Molieben Series - Vol. IB - September - half page

Molieben Series - Vol. IB - September - half page

  • $34.00

Select Canons with Accompanying Akathists for Each Month of the Year

Whether for the home or the home parish, this exciting new Series brings together the prayers needed to celebrate a given Saint, Feast, or Event: Troparion, Canon, and Akathist; with the structure of the Service of Supplication, the Molieben, to enrich, enliven, and encourage one's relationship with our Saviour and His Saints. Monthly volumes order the commemorations along the lines of the Church Year allowing for an ease of access to who and when a Saint or Feast or Ikon is celebrated.

Volume IB consists of the second half of September, including:

09.16 - Holy Greatmartyr Euphemia the Most Praised 

09.17 - The Holy Martyrs Sophia & Faith, Hope, & Charity

09.18 - Akathist Hymn to the Icon Known as “She Who Healeth"

09.21 - Saint Demetrius of Rostov, the Wonderworker

09.25 & 07.05 - Our Venerable Father Sergius of Radonezh

09.26 & 05.08 - The Repose of Saint John the Theologian

09.28 - Our Venerable Father Chariton the Confessor

A separate Molieben service book is included to eliminate unnecessary flipping back and forth in the book.

Half page size, 194 pp., spiral bound.