Bright Week - The Complete Liturgical Service Series
If you or your church uses the SJKP Menaion, Pentecosatarion, or Octoechos then this collection is for you! This is our new Festal Menaion Collection. This volume contains the services in full for Bright Monday (Agape Vespers through Bright Monday Liturgy) and then the proper hymns for the rest of the week.
Table of Contents
Agape Vespers - 1
Bright Monday Matins - 10
The Service of Supplication during Paschaltide - 27
The Hours, Compline, and Nocturns - 43
Typica - 46
Bright Monday Liturgy - 49
Paschal Procession - 57
Bright Tuesday Vespers - 66
Bright Tuesday Matins - 69
Bright Tuesday Liturgy - 70
Bright Wednesday Vespers - 73
Bright Wednesday Matins - 76
Bright Wednesday Liturgy - 78
Bright Thursday Vespers - 81
Bright Thursday Matins - 84
Bright Thursday Liturgy - 86
Bright Friday Vespers for the Life-bearing Spring - 88
Bright Friday Matins - 95
Bright Friday Liturgy - 114
Bright Saturday Vespers - 117
Bright Saturday Matins - 120
Bright Saturday Liturgy - 121
The Breaking of the Artos - 123
Paschal Greetings from around the World - 128
The service contains full rubrics which make it easy to follow along in church as a layperson. Half-page book size makes this easy to handle and use during service. 134pp. Wire comb bound for easy of use.