The Canons in Honor of the Most-holy Theotokos for use at Compline

The Canons in Honor of the Most-holy Theotokos for use at Compline

  • $60.00

A canon to the Most-holy Theotokos for each day of the week in each of the eight tones, for use at Compline, or in private devotions at other times. In new format; they come in a two book set containing four tones per volume in a half-page size (5.5”x8.5”) for easier handling and carrying. These are the same canons as those contained in the Complete Octoechos. Plastic coil binding to allow the pages to fold back on themselves completely.

Vol. I - Tones 1-4, 210 pages

Vol. II - Tones 5-8, 198 pages