The Appendices: from the Complete Octoechos & Menaion
The Appendices: from the Complete Octoechos & Menaion is the collected works found at the end of the four volumes of the Octoechos and twelve volumes of the Menaion all in one book. The text is in 16pt, one column format for the ease of marking for choir singing and visibility to be sung by many around one stand. Without having to flip back and forth from the back of a book to the text itself this volume will save much time and hassle. Set out according to the daily service schedule, the progression of hymns will come naturally to the singer. This book is bound with a metal comb for full turning back on itself and durable wear. 152 pages.
Resurrectional Dogmatic & Aposticha Theotokia - pg. 1
Resurrectional Troparia, Dismissal Theotokia, & Kontakia - pg. 9
Kontakion “O unashamed intercession for Christians”, Tone VI - pg. 17
Resurrectional Matins Prokeimena - pg. 18
11 Resurrectional Matins Gospels - pg. 21
Paraclesis Canon to the Theotokos, Tone VIII - pg. 34
Common Katavasia of the Theotokos, Tone IV - pg. 42
Katavasia of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross - pg. 45
Katavasia of the Nativity of Christ - pg. 48
Katavasia of the Theophany (First Canon) - pg. 51
Katavasia of the Theophany (Second Canon) - pg. 54
Katavasia of the Meeting of the Lord - pg. 57
Katavasia of Pascha - pg. 59
Katavasia of the Transfiguration of Christ - pg. 61
Katavasia of the Dormition of the Theotokos - pg. 63
11 Resurrectional Exapostiliaria with Theotokia, & Evangelical Stichera with Theotokion - pg. 66
Resurrectional Troparia following the Great Doxology - pg. 88
First Hour: Kontakion “To thee, the champion leader,” Tone VIII - pg. 89
Midnight Office on Sundays: Resurrectional Matins Hypacoi - pg. 90
Resurrectional Divine Liturgy: Verses on the Beatitiudes, Prokeimena, & Alleluia Verses - pg. 93
Daily Theotokia (Stichera) - pg. 113 Daily Theotokia (Dismissal) - pg. 129