The Icon of the Nevskaya Mother of God Quick to Hear
By Gennady Belovolov
Translated by Sergio Tancredo Sette Camara E Silva
This small but expansive work is a window into churchly culture as the reader is drawn into the journey of the Mt. Athos Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" to Russia in 1877. Through God's grace a new and distinct icon emerged, now recognised as the Nevskaya Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear." This God protected icon survived both a fire and the destruction of churches under communism. In 1958 it was moved to the St Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. Many Orthodox believers attribute the saving of Leningrad from Nazi’s to this icon. This book will inspire the reader with stories of the help and consolation given through it to faithful from all walks of life: farmers, merchants, homemakers, soldiers, dukes, and duchesses; including the much loved St Elizabeth the New Martyr.