Titles You Can Trust
Stand Fast in the Truth
The AfterFeast of the Nativity of Christ - The Complete Liturgical Service Series
The Appendices: from the Complete Octoechos & Menaion
The Burial Service of the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos
The Canons in Honor of the Most-holy Theotokos for use at Compline
The Church is One
The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts of St. Gregory
The Divine Liturgy, with Preparation and Thanksgiving Prayers
The Dormition of the Theotokos - The Complete Liturgical Service Series
The Feasts of the Apostle, Porto-Martyr, and ArchDeacon Stephen - The Complete Liturgical Service Series
The Holy Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow
The Holy Venerable-Martyr Stephen the New: Account of His Suffering; Liturgical Service
The Life and Passion of St. John (Pommer) of Riga and Latvia
The Life and Sufferings of the Holy Martyrs Cyprian & Justina - The Complete Liturgical Service Series
The Life of St. Anna of Novgorod
The Life of St. Macrina with Liturgical Service
The Life of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke: Life, Service , & Akathist Hymn
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: April (VIII), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: August (XII), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: December (IV), 2nd edition.
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: February (VI) 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: January (V), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: July (XI), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: June (X), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: March (VII), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: May (IX), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: November (III), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: October (II), 2nd edition
The Menaion of the Orthodox Church: September (I), 2nd edition
The Myth of Papal Infallibility
The Nativity of Christ - The Complete Liturgical Service Series
The Octoechos - Vol. I: Tones I & II
The Octoechos - Vol. II: Tones III & IV
The Octoechos - Vol. III: Tones V & VI
The Octoechos - Vol. IV: Tones VII & VIII
The Order of Divine Services: vol I: General Rubrics, 2nd edition
The Order of Divine Services: vol. III: Menaion, 3rd edition
The Order of Holy Baptism
The Order of the Celebration of the Bonds of Holy Matrimony
The Order of the Sanctification of Water: both Great & Lesser